The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Veterans & Survivors Benefits: A Complete Application Handbook (2025)
This book is a welcome and needed resource for veterans and their families. There is no other book available that incorporate VA's newest claims procedures along with instructions on how to submit claims and decision reviews for a variety of different benefits including Pension, Survivor Pension, DIC, Disability Compensation, Veterans Health Care, Grants, Burial Benefits, and more...
CLE Courses to Maintain Your VA Accreditation
Are you looking for a CLE Course to maintain your Accreditation with the Department of Veterans Affairs?
For agents and attorneys already accredited with VA, we offer two approved 3 hour video courses to meet your initial first year CLE requirements or any additional three hours on veterans benefits law and procedures required every two years.
Mission of the SVSA

According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, there are 22.7 million veterans in the United States. Fully 55% of these people are age 60 and older. Many of the veterans benefits now available are not relevant to these older veterans or are no longer available to them; but, there are still benefits to assist older veterans that are not being utilized to the fullest extent. In addition, we have found that many of our nation's seniors, whether veterans or not, are struggling with a myriad of financial and emotional challenges in their final years of life.
Our mission is twofold. First, we are dedicated to helping elderly seniors who served their country learn about various support services available from VA. Second, we provide a national website listing of dedicated professionals to help seniors better prepare for their final years of life. This national network of providers and advisers includes financial advice, legal help, preparation for eldercare, education on government support programs, care provider services and much more.
This twofold approach to supporting our valiant elderly veterans, who served our country in a time of need, will improve the dignity, financial staying power and well-being of these valued American seniors.
Detailed Information about the Veterans Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit

Under the right circumstances, a VA Program called Special Monthly Pension can provide up to $2,266 per month for a married veteran or up to $1,911 a month for a single veteran in additional income. Generally, to qualify for these benefit levels, these veterans must be paying for expensive long term care at home, in assisted living or in a nursing home. Survivor's (Death) Pension for surviving spouses can provide up to $1,228 a month in additional income under the same circumstances.
A remarkable World War II experience recounted by Colonel Jack Leroy Tueller.
Historical War Photos

The following gallery endeavors to offer a small assortment of historical photos in order to offer a brief glimpse into the lives of our valiant senior veterans during war. As far as we are aware, the images can be found in the public domain. Continue to the Historical War Photos Gallery...
Services Provided by the Senior Veterans Service Alliance
Our mission is to honor and empower veterans and their families by providing comprehensive support and ensuring access to essential resources. We are dedicated to improving the lives of those who have served our nation, advocating for their needs, and celebrating their contributions to our freedom. We strive to assist veterans and their survivors in navigating the complexities of disabilities by ensuring they receive the benefits and recognition they deserve for their service.
The Veterans Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit
The Aid and Attendance Pension benefit is a means tested monthly payment for veterans who served during a period of war. A lesser monthly benefit is also available to surviving spouses of these veterans. Pension income is tax-free.
Disability Compensation for Service-Connected Disability
Disability compensation is tax-free monthly income paid to a veteran with a current service-connected disability or disease. The disability or disease has to be a result of active duty service, active duty for training or injury from VA healthcare.
Benefits for Survivors of Veterans
Servicemembers who died on active duty or who as veterans died as a result of being on claim for service-connected disability can leave behind a monthly death benefit payment called DIC. Surviving spouses of war veterans may also be entitled to Survivors Pension.
Unfavorable Decisions with an Application for Veterans Benefits
It is fairly common for applications for VA benefits to result in undesirable or bad decisions. Accredited representatives with the Senior Veterans Service Alliance understand how to turn around unfavorable claim decisions.
Veterans Health Care
The VA healthcare system is the largest single provider of healthcare in the United States and serves well over 9 million veterans. Not all veterans can receive care in the system. There are certain qualifying criteria to get into the system.
Eligibility and Entitlement Requirements for Veterans Benefits
Eligibility for veterans benefits requires the former service member to meet the definition and duty requirement of a veteran. Former members of the guard or reserve are not considered veterans unless they were called up to active duty. Each benefit has its own entitlement rules.
How Does One Apply for VA Compensation or Apply for VA Pension Benefits
The Senior Veterans Service Alliance can help potential applicants with understanding the benefits, understanding how to apply, how to challenge a bad decision, what forms to use and what evidence is required.
Other Benefits Available to Veterans and Survivors
Veterans and survivors may also be entitled to special aid and attendance or housebound allowances, home renovation grants, loan guarantees and education benefits.
Veterans Burial Benefits
Money for burial costs is available for veterans who died from service connection. If the veteran was receiving benefits but death was not due to service connection, nominal reimbursement for burial and funeral is available. Veterans cemeteries are available to all veterans.
Long Term Care Benefits Available through VA Health Care
The Department of Veterans Affairs healthcare system offers a variety of long term care services. These services could include congregant homes, home care, care management and so on. Eligibility requires enrollment in VA health care.
State Veterans Nursing Homes
State veterans homes are a joint venture between state veterans departments and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Most state homes are nursing homes for veterans but some homes may also provide assisted living or other care.
Understanding the Department Of Veterans Affairs
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides health care services, benefits programs and access to national cemeteries to former military service members and their dependents. VA also provides authority to certain individuals to assist with applications and appeals for benefits. This is called "accreditation."
Accreditation and Fees
No person may help a veteran with an initial claim for benefits unless that person is accredited through VA. Additionally, no fee may be charged that is directly related to the filing of an initial claim. Doing so is illegal. Many members of the SVSA are accredited and no member of the SVSA charges a fee that is directly related to the filing of an initial claim. Continue reading...
"Intent to File" & Effective Dates
Before applying for benefits a veteran or the surviving spouse of a veteran (in either case, the claimant) may wish to establish an Effective Date by means of an "Intent to File" (formerly known as an Informal Claim) even though they are not yet prepared to apply. This is done to 'lock-in a date' (for purposes of receiving back-pay) while the claimants are gathering supporting evidence to include in their application. Continue reading...

- About Accreditation & Fees
- Accreditation Study Materials
- CLE to Maintain VA Accreditation
- Correcting Your Military Discharge
- Find Home Care / Assisted Living
- Find Hospice Care
- Find Medical Alert
- Help finding a LTC Facility
- Help with Care Management
- Help with Elder Law
- Help with Estate Planning
- Help with Disputes / Mediation
- Help with Financial Planning
- Help with Medicaid Planning
- Help with Tax Planning
- Informal Claims / Effective Dates
- Service Connected Disabilities
- State VA Nursing Homes
- VA Aid and Attendance Benefit
- VA Burial Benefits
- VA Healthcare System
- VA Help - Surviving Spouse
- VA Home Renovation Grants
- VA Long Term Care Benefits
- VA Pays Family for Eldercare
- VA Regional Offices
VA Forms

This section provides downloadable files of the most commonly used VA Forms for senior veterans seeking benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. View the Forms...
Become a Member of the Senior Veterans Service Alliance

Become a member of the SVSA and help our organization support the needs of senior veterans who served their country in a time of need. Learn more about the benefits of membership.